Just realised I’ve highlighed like half of your article — please take it as a huge compliment and thanks for writing it, also! 😅 And congrats on your book!
I’m in the process of planning a talk for other designers about finding their niche and, exactly like you wrote in your last point, using and showing their personality in their work because it makes them unique and desirable to clients and companies who share their beliefs. But I’m so worried it will come off as arrogant (who am I to tell people what to do?) or even worse as humble-bragging since I’m using a couple of my own personal projects as examples on what I’ve learned. I believe your bit about the “why’s” behind it is a huge help in this part — it’s when we ask ourselves “why?” we realise who we are and what we want to do. It just might also be what saves my project presentations from becoming terribly dreary. 😉 So yeah, thank you!
PS. Hope it’s okay I quote you!